photo: Mike Smith Pictures
Max Hunt was born in 1985 in Oxford, England. He immigrated to Australia at a young age with his family. In the early years he developed an interest in art, design and computer tech. Later studying industrial design at the University of South Australia. During his studies furniture became the obsession drawn by the human scale and fine detail.
Looking at the design industry, particularly within Australia he saw there was not a lot of affordable Australian design. All he saw was big egos and cheap knock offs. This led to a notion "how can I design products that I can afford?" "How can I close the gap and draw everyday Australians to authentic design?" This was the moment Hunt was born.
The aim for Hunt is to create beautiful design within Australia while utilising the wealth of local manufacturing knowledge at South Australia's finger tips. The goal is to make design simple, elegant, accessible and most of all affordable. We want to educate and stimulate the conversation around intellectual property and enforce the rights of designer and creators.
Hunt Furniture is the result of doing what we love.