Why does Australia refuse to protect their designers?

Australia’s flawed intellectual property laws

 So why does Australia provide Copyright laws and Intellectual property rights to artists and creative industries such as fine art, graphic design & photography yet leave product designers open to be copied?

Under the current IP laws unlike works referred to as fine art, design of objects and furniture is not entitled to copyright protection and are left vulnerable to copying. I have been one of many designers targeted by large companies ready to make money from unprotected designers here in Australia. 

Australia’s retail landscape may play a major part in the decision to keep designers unprotected.  Much of our retail in Australia is made up of replica’s. Stores like Kmart, Target, Freedom, Bunnings and Matt Blatt.

All these retailers hold an arsenal of replica rip-offs on their showroom floor so making it illegal will put these businesses in trouble. In fact, one of the biggest culprits is Westfarmers the conglomerate owning many of the offending companies employing 223,000 workers with a revenue of $68.44 Billion (2017) it’s no wonder the cries of the small Australian designers aren’t being heard.  With figures like this creating change which will affect many of these company’s bottom dollar just adds to the friction in the uphill battle the Australia design industry faces.


Stacy K Davis

On a Facebook investment page, I got interested in Ethereum cryptocurrency mining and I was sent a link for a company with which I could invest, fun-eth.com. I opened a Coinbase wallet and transferred money to fun-eth.com with Anthony Wilson’s encouragement. Promising that if I invested $600,000 and the company reached the investment goal, I would qualify for the premium big fish seven Ethereum welcome token. Not only did I lose the $600,000, but the scammers were able to steal another $98,000 from the wallet I gave to them. They then told me that I needed to invest another $300,000 by a given date to get access to withdrawals on my account. I contacted a Friend in New Jersey who has been making his way on BTC, he advised me not to make any more payments but instead seek help to recover the earlier investment. He recommended The Exner Hacker, who had helped him on earlier Bitcoin recovery. I mailed them via Theexnerhacker@protonmail.com. It has been over two months since I got my dollars back. Thank you sir and your team for the work well done.

Baba Kagolo

This is the best Pregnancy fertility spell with no side effects to give you children of any type of gender you want in life. WhatsApp or call Baba Kagolo at +27672740459 for Spiritual cleansing to heal infertility and bear to produce a beautiful and handsome healthy baby of your choice boy, girl, twins boys and girl, twin girl and girl or twin boy and boy It is your choice to choose a child you want.
to get Pregnancy and fertility spells call +27672740459
Pregnancy is supposed to be one of the most celebrated things in this world. This is because falling to get pregnant means that you will not possibly be bringing someone into this world. But let me tell you, the issues related to pregnancy are very intense. People even fear getting pregnant nowadays. One of the reasons for that is a father rejecting the responsibility of a pregnant woman. Which woman wants to go through pregnancy and birth alone? Reverse infertility & be pregnant naturally using voodoo spiritual cleansing call +27672740459 to banish negative infertility energy
Primary, infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year
Secondary infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant or to carry a pregnancy to term following the birth of one or more biological children.
Over 50 million people between the ages of 15 and 55 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant
Use voodoo divination to communicate with the ancestors to understand the spiritual causes of your infertility. Cast a voodoo fertility spells to permanently heal infertility in men & women
Protect your unborn child during pregnancy & have a healthy pregnancy using voodoo pregnancy healing spells
Conception spells to promote fertility. Black magic spells for pregnancy. Fertility spells chants, pregnancy rituals and prayers for fertility
Full moon pregnancy spells, fertility spells to banish miscarriages, candle magic fertility spells, Santeria fertility spells, traditional pregnancy spells, voodoo spells to get pregnant & improve your reproductive For
more information Call / WhatsApp +27672740459, Email: babakagolo@gmail.com or visit https://sites.google.com/view/voodoospellcaster/home

Baba Kagolo


ON TRENDING PSYCHIC READINGS BONES SANGOMA TRADITIONAL HEALING +27672740459 Florida Virginia Louisiana North Carolina New York Johannesburg
I am a characteristic born psychic and I acknowledge I can help you in any circumstance if your life is miserable physically financially spiritually and sexually go up against and online +27672740459 everything in this world is around the choice you make on the off chance merely have to be lost and take off it asserts with you but the because it was way to win in this universe is to fight for yourself and to find a way to sort it out Peace, Run the appear, Confirmation, Prosperity, joy, Family, Companionship, Associations, Time, Learning, Cherish, Commerce, Budgetary, You will be modest and a defeatist sense of other individuals. My address is whether they are getting to do the same when they have inconveniences in their lives. so don’t be like a candle to supply others light when your life is dissolving I know you loathe to venerate, You loathe farewells, You abhor ensures, You detest lies, You severely dislike to break your heart, it is time, to be reasonable alongside your life
1 Love Psychic
2 Career Psychic
3 Psychic Mediums
4 Life Coaching
5 Fortune Telling
6 Tarot Reading
7 Dream Analysis
8 Traditional Healing
10 Psychic Reading
11 Tarot cards Medium
12 Psychic Awareness
13 Bones Sangoma
14 Astrology Reading
15 Pendulum Psychic
16 Astrology Chart Astrologer
17 Energetic Connection
18 Oracle cards
19 Intuition
20 Crystals Empath
21 Clairvoyant
22 Certified Life Coach
23 Inyanga
24 Numerology Reading
25 Connect with your deceased loved ones
26 Quantum Energy
27 Numerologist
28 Psychics & Astrology
29 Fits Disease Healing
30 Love Spells
31 Voodoo Spells
32 Lottery Spells
33 Witchcraft
34 Voodoo Oracle
36 Zangbeto Voodoo
36 Voodoo Healing
37 Deja Vu feeling
E-Mail babakagolo@gmail.com

Baba Kagolo


Only you can decide if the time to take action is now. Not tomorrow, not the next day. Now! +27672740459, babakagolo@gmail.com

If you feel time is running out and nothing else you have tried has worked, the Emergency spell could be your last hope. Fortunately, it has come through for many others. Hopefully, it will for you.

As you know, in time of need, things must be done quickly. No questions asked. No wasted time. Emergency spells are cast exclusively for those in this situation. They are cast for those who have run up against a brick wall. They are cast for those who have learned they can’t count on anyone else to solve their very serious problems.

They are cast for those who know a better life is around the corner and are willing to go the extra step to get what they want. +27672740459, babakagolo@gmail.com

If this is how you feel, you have come to the right place.
You should order this spell if:
• Your situation is dire and you have nowhere to turn.
• No one but you seems to really care.
• The more time passes, the more desperate your situation.
• With each passing day, you feel more helpless – a feeling there is nothing else you can do.
• But in your heart, you know that what you want, what you need, what you feel is right. https://sites.google.com/view/voodoospellcaster/home

If you feel the above words have been directed specifically toward you, do not procrastinate. Do not delay. Take a look at the specific Emergency spells below and determine which one(s) are right for you.


Directed toward that couple who should not be together. In your heart, you know they are not right for each other. In reality, you are merely speeding up the process, for in the long run, they will eventually break apart anyway.


Return to happier, less complicated days surrounded by people who love you. If you are on the outs with a good friend, or family member, or a past lover, it is never too late to restore the good feeling and love you once had.


Rid yourself of that nemesis. Expel this person from your life and redirect their negative energy back at them. If there is someone who is bothering you, trying to do you wrong, trying to make you look bad…have this emergency spell cast against them and watch their attitude change before your very eyes.


You have witnessed other people having lucky streaks that seem to last and last. You are envious of it and rightly so. So, now you don’t want to wait any longer – you want to experience this for yourself. This emergency spell affords you the opportunity to turn the tide, to bring things to you when you least expect them, to enjoy life to the fullest. Why shouldn’t it be you who gets all the breaks? And so many others.

Baba Kagolo


A rival can cause irreparable damage if not dealt with quickly and forcefully.

If someone is standing in the way of your happiness, this spell is designed to neutralize them, to get them out of the picture +27672740459, babakagoolo@gmail.com.

Is someone out to get you?
If you currently are the victim of a negative force disrupting your life, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help you through these challenging times.

A Master Psychic is ready to help you
A talented Baba Kagolo awaits word from you to cast the Block Negative Vibes – Reverse Curse – Cast Out Nemesis spells simultaneously in your behalf.

You are not alone!
Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand from Baba Kagolo who has been blessed with unique psychic powers.

You cannot renew a relationship until this person is cast out.
• They are stealing your life away.
• You can feel their negative energy even from great distances.
• They are thinking evil, doing evil, casting evil spells upon you.
• You are quite vulnerable at the moment due to your frustration, sensitivity and aching heart.
Sometimes dramatic and unorthodox methods are called for when everything else has failed. The Defeat Rival spell is a particularly powerful and useful spell when you have nowhere else to turn.

Think carefully before requesting this spell as powerful energy will be directed toward your rival babakagolo@gmail.com, +27672740459.

Good things await those who take that extra step!

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